Shipping & Return Policy

We provide Free Shipping and have an Easy Returns & Refunds Process to provide best service to our customers worldwide along with Online Technical Support, Detailed Video Tutorials, Troubleshooting & Testing Support so that our customers get the best possible experience. Our detailed shipping & returns policy is as follows.

In case of our electronics and mechanical products delivery occurs when the Goods are handed over to the Purchaser or carrier company or delivery representative. Delivery of software products occurs once software codes & data is emailed to the customer on registered email address.

Any claim by the Purchaser for non or incorrect delivery must be advised to MSV Tech within 5 days of receipt of the goods. In case of software based products, delivery occurs when we send the digital goods through email or any online medium which can be shown as a proof.

MSV Tech is not liable in case the delivery/shipping company causes delays in the product delivery. Customer should provide any KYC document in case required for customs clearance by the shipping company. Any import duties charged by the recipient country are to be paid by the customer if charged. We demonstrate our product features through videos at the time of purchase. Any claim by the Purchaser for non or incorrect delivery must be advised to MSV Tech within 5 days of receipt of the product. If the Purchaser fails to take delivery of the Goods or fails to give adequate delivery instructions & it returns to MSV Tech then MSV Tech reserves rights to decide whether to charge extra cost for the return cost incurred before re-shipping.